The Best Accessories For Your Hair Paintbrush

Update:23 Oct
Whether you're creating a kids art project, or a Myspace profile page, a hair paintbrush is an essential tool for painting your hair. They come in many different shapes and sizes, so it's easy to find one that will work for you. At first, I recommend sticking with the basic black brush, because even beginners can handle this one. Of course, you need a good hair paint brush, because it will not leave any trace of paint on your hair, making for a streak-free, smooth finish. But, be warned, they are pricey.
I suggest starting out with a basic set of hair brushes, which include a straight, medium, and curling set. These come in handy for any kind of painting, from doing a simple hair piece, to doing stripes and curls. If you have always used a hair dryer to dry your hair, then a hair brush is a must. Using a hair dryer constantly damages your hair, and there's no reason to use it if you don't have to.
Now that you have your basics, you can move onto cleaning your hair brush. Use a mild cleanser that is designed for acrylics, gel, and even natural human hair. A cheap cleanser can do more harm than good, especially if you have oily hair. For best results, I recommend doing all of your cleaning in the bathroom. Bathrooms tend to be far drier than the typical room of the house, and a quick shower or two will get that hair feeling fresh again.
Now it's time to rinse off your brush. Use warm water and a soft towel to gently scrub the frame and bristles. Again, you should only use a mild cleanser. The best way to ensure that you don't strip your hair away, is to follow up with conditioner. Just make sure that the conditioner is oil free, as oil can help hair become too saturated.
Once you have washed your brush, you are ready to paint! If you are using acrylic paint, you need to soak your hairbrush in rubbing alcohol. This will remove any oil or grease on your brush. If you are using gel, use water. You want to avoid rubbing the paint on your hair if at all possible.
Apply the first layer of paint with your hairbrush. Use a single, consistent stroke to allow the color to sink into your hair. You don't want to have random dots of paint. If you are using a solid color, you simply fill in the gaps with the next smaller color.
When finished, spray some of the remaining paint on your brush. If you want your pattern to last longer, you can spray another coat of color directly on your brush. Allow it to dry before you apply any accessory to your hair. If you are using accessories like clips or wefts, you will want to use conditioner to keep them from stiffening up during the process.
Your next step? Try out a few different patterns. Experiment to see what looks best with your natural hair color, and also what looks best with your highlights. The possibilities are endless when it comes to painting your hair!
As always, you should clean your hairbrush after each use. If you regularly use a colored hair product, be sure to give it a thorough cleaning once every month. It is important to remove all of the extra color from the bristles to prevent build-up. A water-based alcohol-free shampoo works great for this job.
The easiest way to clean your hairbrush is to simply soak it in warm water with a drop of dish soap. For metal ones, this might be too harsh of a solution, so ask your stylist for advice. Your hairbrush is going to look like new! Rinse it thoroughly, but be careful not to scrub too hard! If you leave the bristles damp, they may split and become weak.
You don't have to limit your styling options to just your hair paintbrush. You can add glitter, hairspray and more to your existing paint colors to create a variety of effects. Let your imagination run wild! No matter what you decide to do with your hair, remember to keep it clean and as beautiful as the day you painted it! It's a big day!

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